day 21 of the #30dayphotochallege This panorama was taken at a Confederate and Union cemetery that is situated on the Ole Miss campus. I chuckled to myself that I seem to not like to deal or face death and funerals and yet I like cemeteries, and I came to the conclusion that perhaps I like the quiet, I like the way life still goes on with grass and vegetation growing, and I like the way the spirits have an opportunity to whisper their stories to me- like Spoon River Anthology.

day 22 of the #30dayphotochallege brought very little excitement- mainly it was back to work and since I didn't have any groceries, I continued my vacation upon return to work by eating out. My manager suggested Red Robin for the bottomless fries and the hamburger was good too. I was right next to this sign and I thought of California's ban on foie gras and my nights out with the girls to eat at Animal and the LQ@GGD experience to eat the last days before the ban and of course I sent this snap to the girls! _______________________ _________________________________
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