
Sunday, May 27, 2012

#30dayphotochallenge Day 10, 11, 12 &13

Day 10 #30dayphotochallenge  Hotel digs: I usually like traveling in a job but this pic reflects how lonely, stagnant and stifling this job really is…the trip went as expected-no socialization with others, no fun.  It also shed light on how I am so out of practice of packing for a trip- I have gone no where in the last year and I can't pack efficiently anymore.  I have never been so stuck or tied to a place before- I feel like a dog outside on a chain.  I can hardly wait to get back to the things I love and the life I had.

Day 11- First day of seminar and the only cool and funny guys lived and worked too close to the hotel for the company to pay for the overnight expense.  As I was hanging with them, couple cars were being brought into the hotel.  It always makes me giggle to think as a kid I thought everyone pretty much had a 8-6 type job.  Dad would drive us to school and we kiddos had school.  It still amazes me what people do for work and what time they do it.

Day 12 #30dayphotochallenge Last day of seminar and we’re in the basement of a hotel where the room smells like mold or at least water, one mirrored ceiling tile is missing and the surrounding lighting is starting to buckle and give.  During the morning we are gassed out with the smell of WD40 and I really start to wonder-how did I get here? This is not my life….

Day 13 I’m back at work and these showed up- felt masks of different colors.  At the end of the day, this happened.  I felt a little like Amelie—perhaps I need a stratagem myself.  Turns out, one of my favorite gals bought a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles backpack and the masks came with it.  No idea which turtle I was… _______________________ _________________________________

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